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“CAPPUCCINO” : A double espresso, one third hot milk, topped with milk foam, decorated with chocolate powder or shavings, &/or flavoured sugars e.g. cinnamon.

CAFFE “LATTE” (from the Italian for milk) : A double espresso, topped up with up to 3 times the volume of steamed milk, plus a thin layer of foam. Often served in a “bowl shaped”, or wide mouthed glass.

“CAFE AU LAIT” (in France) : This is not the same as cafe “Latte”. Cafe “au lait” is made with traditional filter coffee with the addition of cold or warmed (but not “frothy”) milk.

CAFE “MOCHA” : Made with one third espresso coffee, one third strong hot chocolate, one third hot frothed milk, which is added last.

LATTE MACHIATO : A glass of hot frothed milk into which a single serving of espresso has been slowly dribbled. The glass should show a variation in colour, from light to dark.