Tasting Notes > African & Indian

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Ethiopian Harrar Longberry
Harrar is in the east of Ethiopia at an altitude of 1,600 metres. The coffee is shade grown, & dry processed, so giving it its traditional “earthy” bite over the smooth, fragrant, pleasant undertones. Its name comes from the characteristic shape of the bean. Often used to replace the Yemeni Moka because of its similarity.

Ethiopian Sidamo
Sidamo is in the southern part of Ethiopia & is the largest producer of the country’s coffee. We have the dry processed coffee. It has a slightly thinner body than the usual Ethiopian coffees, but its light acidity makes it a very pleasant all day coffee.

Ethiopian Yergecheffe
It is grown in the Sidamo area. This is probably the best of the washed Ethiopian Coffees. Being a washed coffee it gives a brighter cleaner cup. It has a distinct fruit-like acidity giving a pungent addition to the traditional winey mocha taste. It has lots of body. A very pleasant, smooth all day coffee. The best of all Ethiopian coffees.