Tasting Notes > Central America & Far East

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Central America:
Jamaica Blue Mountain
Selected from the Wallenford Estate, this is the quintessential classic coffee., rich flavour, aroma, full body and balanced mild acidity. Of all coffees this must most closely match the description given by Sheikh Abd-al-Kadir in 1587..."Coffee is the common man's gold, and like gold it brings to every man the feeling of luxury and nobility." Blue Mountain is considered the 'rolls Royce' of all coffees. Its rarity, due to limitations of the growing area is reflected in the price.

Colombian-San Agustin
Grown in the Andes mountains near the source of the Magdalena river, shaded by bananas & tropical trees. Stone idols from bygone civilisations can be found in the plantations. This perfect setting produces a mild Arabica coffee. The cherries are hand picked by families of coffee growers who sell direct to control quality & purity. The resulting coffee has a smooth, rich flavour with substantial body.

Guatemala Maragogype
A high grown, mild coffee, has a lovely mellow taste with slight acidity, much admired by connoisseurs. This particular 'elephant' bean, selected for its size, are sometimes considered to be smoother and richer in flavour than the standard arabica beans. Our darker roast would certainly meet the description written by Ranwolf, the German physician in 1582...."A very good drink that is almost as black as ink and very good in illness, especially of the stomach."